Real name: Matthew David Cook.
Birth date and place: 21/06/91 Maidstone, Kent.
Place of residence: Huddersfield, Yorkshire.
Place of residence (in the KC Stadium): Upper West Stand (Best view in my opinion).
How long have you supported City?: Since 1999/2000 Season.
Most memorable match: Hull City vs Watford (Playoff Semi-Final 2nd Leg).
All time favourite player: Theo Whitmore.
Current favourite player: Caleb Folan & Boaz Myhill.
Best ever Tigers XI: 07/08 Promotion Winning Coca Cola Championship Squad.
Favourite film: Harold & Kumar Get The Munchies, KiDULTHOOD & AdULTHOOD, The Departed, The Bourne Trilogy.
Favourite TV programme: Prison Break, Family Guy, Dream Team.
Favourite band/artist: Don't have a favourite, mostly like UK & US underground hip hop.
Favourite song: Too many to choose from.
Favourite book: Only read Internet & magazines.
Favourite website: