I have got to say the decision by Humberside Police not to bring charges against former Hull City chairman Nick Buchanan nor any of the other ten people arrested amid fraudulent trading allegations does not surprise me in the least.
You see, despite all of the innuendo, there was not one single scrap of evidence that any wrong doing occurred. But isn't it just typical of the cowards that were throwing the mud and running a nudge, nudge, wink, wink campaign, that they will never have the guts to hold their hands up and say they are sorry.
In total, eleven people were arrested by the police and had their lives ruined and reputations stained, over what turned out to be nothing more than spurious allegations.
Just think about the effect any such slur would have on your lives if it were you that faced a three year wait for justice? I heard all of the malicious rumours. I heard all of the bad mouthing and I heard all of the comments like "They are bleeding the club dry."
Of course, I doubtless will now hear many people say "I never believed it anyway" and other such melee mouthed excuses.
Well, let's just examine the facts. Humberside Police's handling of the case is yet another example of the establishment being unable to admit when it's wrong. Remember the Birmingham Six? Or the Guildford Four?
Having spent lord knows how much public money on investigating the case, having found no evidence and no real reason to carry on, the plods still sent the papers to the Crown Prosecution Service. Why? Because they don't have the skills to even start to understand the complexity or motives behind the original allegations.
Guilt by association is never a good thing. Yes, the record shows that Stephen Hinchcliffe was (or should I say is) a crook. Does that mean that everyone that's ever done business with the fella is by definition also a crook?
I hope you get my drift. Personally, I hope the likes of Nick Buchanan, David Capper and Andy Daykin sue for malicious arrest. I also hope that those that were quick to condemn now are quick to apologise.
Somehow... I think that is very unlikely and to that I shout loud and clear.