The "SPEAK AND BE DAMNED" Column by Clive Jones
Three games or else? Blah - baloney!!!
I mean, Brian Little given three games to turn around City's season, and put a Tiger back in the tank. Too farcical for words is what I say.
Look at the facts and it reveals one common thread. Great at home - crap away. But there isn't a manager in this world that can make a good team bad or a bad team good in the space of just a few short days. And neither can the City boss. Magic wands maybe okay on the stage, but I don't know anyone in football that owns one. There's no proven formula for success and you can't bottle it and put it on the shelves at Woolworth's. I venture to speculate that Mr Little is just as exasperated with his team as the fans are. Yes, I know he is the manager and he's ultimately responsible, but so are the players. And that's a point I don't hear on the terraces too often. So what can we draw from the hit and miss the Hull City performances. Well, not a whole lot until you strip away the rhetoric and get down to the nitty gritty. Win as team and lose as a team is the professionals motto.
The basic problem is that we have a pretty awful defence. Well, we do, if the same old failures keep getting selected. I've moaned about the disaster that is the Holt/Mohan combination before, so I won't bore you all once again.
Brian Little is like all managers. They do sometimes have tunnel vision when it comes to certain players. They fancy some larkers and not others. But it's as well to put all of this into perspective.
My reaction to the "Little Out" shouters is "And who do you bring in?"
You have to ask yourself this question. Is the team this year more entertaining than last? If the answer is "yes" then hold faith and back off.
Think about it for gods sake.
Remember........You could be watching a Dolanesk outfit.